saint joseph



Shrine dedicated to Saint Joseph in Auvergne (france)

Here are two pictures of the shrine Saint Joseph d'Espaly Saint Marcel (commune of Puy en Velay) in the department of Haute Loire.  


sanctuaire saint joseph


Inside the cave chapel, under this monumental statue, the testimonies of grace received by the intercession of Saint Joseph are numerous!


statue saint joseph

Prayer to saint Joseph Good-Hope.


Saint Joseph, you were chosen by God to be the Spouse of Mary, the Virgin Mother. In Jesus you saw the gift of being a father. You put yourself in the school of the Savior, taking care of his subsistence and his upbringing in a climate of respect, prayer and love. Humble and persistent hard-worker you served full of joy the ones who the Father entrusted to you. Perfect model of paternal authority, we ask you for our families in love and prayer to glorify the divine Trinity, especially by being a source of reconciliation and hope regarding those who suffer in their heart by painful separations. Glorious Saint Joseph we like calling you Saint Joseph of Good Hope, We also request for the Church, the universal family for the children of the Father. You are its protector and guardian. Please obtain its grace of a stronger unity in charity. We confide our families from the Earth to you for the exemplary holyness of their members, they take part to the expansion of the kingdom of God among the men and to the salvation of all humanity. Amen!


Saint Joseph, patron of workers, can help you find employment. suggests a novena to Saint Joseph.